14 Sessions | 16:30-17:30 (Tashkent time) | Every WEDNESDAY from May 27 to August 26, 2020
Jointly Organized by Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT), International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
This open online academic seminar was conducted for any scholars, students and other interested people in the issues of applied economics and policy analysis in Central Asia. The webinar series was conducted via Zoom and included presentations on theoretical and empirical approaches. More details about the seminar series is available at the WIUT's conferences' web-page.
July 29: "Agriculture-nutrition linkages in Tajikistan: Selected insights from recent IFPRI studies" by Hiroyuki Takeshima (IFPRI)
August 5: "The long shadow of history and the Kazakh famine of 1931-1933: evidence from anthropometric data" by Charles Becker (Duke University)
August 12: "The Policy of Agricultural Land Allotment to Households and its Impact on Household Welfare in Tajikistan" by Kamiljon Akramov (IFPRI)
August 19: "Gender Earnings Inequality and Wage Policy: Teachers, Health Care and Social Workers in Kyrgyzstan" by Kathryn Anderson (Vanderbilt University). The background paper is available here
August 26: "Agricultural insurance markets: From index design to farmers‘ adoption" by Ihtiyor Bobojonov (IAMO)